New KS1 Playground
So far, we've raised £7,760.51!
We're raising funds for our new KS1 Playground and need your help! You'll find fund-raising ideas and projects kicking off in school, raffles, competitions and much more! Be sure to support our children and put a few pennies in to help out!
Year 5&6
Learning resources from Mr Jones

Useful Resources
KS2 Maths Revsion
Resources to help Y6 children prepare for SATS (which have now been cancelled - still a great maths resource though) |
Sir Isaac Newton Information Powerpoint
For using in school to investigate this famous scientist. |
Sir Isaac Newton Information Text
For using in school to investigate this famous scientist. |
Instructions for accessing the portfolio section of Class Dojo
Does exactly what it says on the tin. Follow the link for clear instructions on uploading work to portfolio. |
5 Minute Drill Generator
I've updated this link to take you to the home page. From here you are a couple of clicks away from the traditional multiplication 5 minute drill, as well as division, addition and subtraction versions too! |
The Man Who Bought a Mountain e-book
This can be viewed on-screen or printed out. There should be a copy of this book in your home learning pack. |
cursive handwriting booklet
Cursive Handwriting Booklet - These handwriting booklets are used in school when learning correct letter formation and joins. Great for extra practice |
Cursive Handwriting Demonstration
This powerpoint visually demonstrates correct letter formation through an animation. Look out for the letters 'r' and 'd'. These are the most common incorrectly joined letters. |
Place Value Chart (including decimals)
A simple place value chart for moving digits when multiplying and dividing by 10, 100, 1000 etc. |
Multiplication Square
A square including answers to all times tables up to 12 x 12 |
Jazz Harper e-book
This can be viewed on-screen or printed out - if printing, be advised it is a very long text. Only print the chapters you need. |
Online PE Board Game
Use this to compete against a family member or a friend through video chat. |
How to make a bird feeder (Pine cone)
simple instructions. Requires a dried out, opened up pinecone |
How to make a bird feeder (cardboard tube)
even simpler design. Requires a tube, peanut butter, and some nuts and seeds. |
How to make a bird feeder (plastic bottle)
Children must be supervised if using scissors to cut a plastic bottle as it could lead to injury. |
t tp 7309 simple bird feeder craft instructions ver 9 | |
Types of pronoun word mat
A list of pronouns, grouped according to their type. You will need this to tackle the toughest extension task on Thursday 14th January! |
Exercise Record
Useful for recording number of rests on exercise sessions like PE with Joe |
Fraction and Decimal Wall
Incredibly helpful when learning about decimals, fractions and how they link with each other. Year 6 will find this helpful from Monday 18th Jan |
Make Your Own Beetroot Paint (instructions)
Warning! Only to be carried out with adult supervision. A simple guide on how to make your own watercolour paints using beetroot. |
Make Your Own Beetroot Paint (video)
Warning! Only to be carried out with adult supervision. A step-by-step instructional video on how to make your own watercolour paints using beetroot. |
Features of Sentences Learning Cards
These are ideal for reminding yourself about the different parts of a sentence. Perfect for helping you with Fronted Adverbial work on Monday 1st March |
Friday Maths Answers | |
Friday Maths Task | |
Friday Maths Video | |
Friday English Task
Use the template and your plan from yesterday to write your newspaper article. |
Thursday Science Information
Use this information to help you with today's task |
Thursday Science Task
Choose two cards and answer the question with words and pictures. |
Thursday English Facts
Use these facts to help you when planning your newspaper report. |
Thursday English Task
Use the template to plan a newspaper report about the Nepal earthquake. |
Thursday Maths Answers | |
Thursday Maths Task | |
Thursday Maths Video | |
Wednesday Energy Saving Week Task
Look at the energy saving poster. Choose between writing a persuasive leaflet about the importance of energy saving and making your own eye-catching poster on the topic. |
Wednesday PE Task
Play the Jumanji game by clicking on 'PE at home' and then choosing 'Wednesday' |
Wednesday PSHE Task
Look at the poster provided. Design your own version of a 'Good Sport Code' with space for our classmates to sign it. |
Tuesday English Newspaper Examples | |
Tuesday English Task
Look at the newspaper examples and search for the key features in each one. Answers included. |
Tuesday Maths Answers | |
Tuesday Maths Task | |
Tuesday Maths Video | |
Monday Geography Task
Complete the task about parts of a volcano. |
Monday Geography Information | |
Monday English Task
Have a go at writing a script (and performing?) your own news report about the Nepal eathquake. Use the key facts to help you. |
Monday English Link
Follow the link to watch Newsround. Tick off the features you notice in the news report. |
Monday Maths Video | |
Monday Maths Answers | |
Monday Maths Task |
Friday English Writing Task
Use the frame provided and your writing from earlier this week to write a diary entry with detail of your first day as a disaster response worker. |
Friday PE Tissue Fun!
This is a fun video to work on balance, flexibility, coordination and reflexes. It gets more fun the more people get involved! Equipment needed: 1 tissue or 1 strip of toilet roll. |
Friday Maths Answers | |
Friday Maths Task | |
Friday Maths Video | |
Thursday English Information
Use the information in this powerpoint to help you with today's grammar task. |
Thursday English Task | |
Thursday RE video
Watch this video to learn a little bit about who Moses was and why he is seen as an important religious leader. |
Thursday RE Task | |
Wednesday English Task | |
Wednesday science task | |
Wednesday Science Exploration
Use the following website to recap the skeletal system and digestive system learned about in Year 3 and 4. |
Wednesday Maths Video | |
Wednesday Maths Answer | |
Wednesday Maths Task | |
Tuesday Art Task
Look at some famous volcanoes or research photos and videos of your own. Then produce a piece of artwork which looks like your chosen volcano, using any materials or media that you choose. |
Tuesday Geography Information
Use this information to help you with today's task |
Tuesday Geography Task
Colour the earth and label the different parts. Write down at least one fact about each layer. Use the information in the powerpoint to help. |
Tuesday Maths Answers |
Squared Paper
This empty squared paper could be used to have a go at designing a new crossword after completing the new years puzzle. |
New Years crossword | |
Friday Virtual Striking Competition
We're starting to put together some scores for this competition today - we will be continuing with it next week as well. Some of these might be adaptable and fun to try at home. Try making a set of wickets out of something (kitchen towel etc.) or setting up a course to try the pick up and throw game. Feel free to record scores at home, take pictures or just do it for a bit of fun! |
Friday Arithmetic
Answers are at the back.
Thursday Reading Task and Answers
Read through the text about an astronaut's adventures. Next, answer the 4 written questions on page 5. There are some bonus questions sorted into skills on pages 3 and 4. All answers are at the back of the booklet. |
Thursday Maths Answers | |
Thursday Maths Task | |
Thursday Maths Video | |
Wednesday English Task | |
Wednesday Writing Example
Use this example letter as a starting point for writing a letter of your own. |
Wednesday Maths Answers | |
Wednesday Maths Task | |
Wednesday Maths Video |
Friday TOY DAY! | |
Thursday Maths Video 2 | |
Thursday Maths Video 1 | |
Thursday Maths Answers | |
Thursday Maths Task | |
Thursday Jar of Happiness
A cardboard box will do in place of a jar if there is not one available. A positive activity to do independently or as a family. |
Thursday Self-Care Bingo
Print off a copy of the bingo chart and aim to complete as many as you can in a week. Relevent for parents as well as pupils! |
Wednesday Christmas Advert Comprehension
Watch the Christmas advert at first and then answer the comprehension question on it to test your understanding of what happens. |
Wednesday Christmas Advert Video | |
Wednesday Christmas Activity Booklet | |
Tuesday French Task | |
Tuesday French Video | |
Tuesday SpaG Joke Task | |
Tuesday Maths Video | |
Tuesday Maths Answers | |
Tuesday Maths Task | |
Monday Maths Answers | |
Monday Maths Task
Use the video from Friday for a recap of comparing fractions with different denominators if required. |
Monday English
Finish writing the story of Tarragon the Dragonslayer. We wrote part one in school (up to the point where he faces up to the dragon)
Extend: Include a picture of Tarragon - perhaps during the battle scene or to show what has changed at the very end. |
Monday PE
Dash through the snow and collect the presents. Lots of space is required before playing this game! |

Friday Maths Video | |
Friday Maths Answers | |
Friday Maths Task | |
Thursday Maths Video | |
Thursday Maths Answers | |
Thursday Maths Task | |
Wednesday English Wordsearch Task
Pick out key words from the Hanukkah story and use them to create your own wordsearch. |
Wednesday English Hanukkah Reading
Read through this simple retelling of the Jewish story of Hanukkah. Use the internet to research a more thorough retelling if you wish. |
Wednesday PSHE Task
Use this example calendar as inspiration to design and make your own 'Kindness Advent Calendar'. Put it up at home and open it every day. |
Wednesday Maths Video | |
Wednesday Maths Answers | |
Wednesday Maths Task | |
History Tuesday Task
Three difficulty levels and answers included. |
History Tuesday Information | |
English Tuesday Task 1 | |
English Tuesday Task 2 | |
Maths Tuesday Video | |
English Tuesday Learning Slides | |
Maths Tuesday Answers | |
Maths Tuesday Task | |
Maths Monday | |
Maths Monday | |
Maths Monday | |
English Monday | |
English Monday |
Friday Art Tutorial
For a more detailed tutorial on line sketching a selection of different trees, use this link instead: How to Draw Trees - YouTube |
Friday Art Task | |
Friday Maths Video | |
Friday Maths Answers | |
Friday Maths Task | |
Thursday SPaG Answers | |
Thursday SPaG Puzzle
Dictionaries will be very helpful for this activity! The punctuation part is also tricky. Brush up on the use of apostrophes here: How to use apostrophes | Oxford Owl - YouTube |
Thursday Maths Video | |
Thursday Maths Answers | |
Thursday Maths Task | |
Wednesday Christmas Decorations
Look through the ideas on the powerpoint and use the picture instructions, weblinks or your own research to design and make a home-made Christmas decoration. |
Wednesday Reading Comprehension
Watch the Christmas Advert using the link provided and write a set of comprehension questions to go with it which will test someone's understanding. Use Tuesday's task as an example of how to organise your work. Bonus points for including pictures (either hand-drawn or copied from screen captures of the video) to help write questions as well as writing a set of answers to go with them. |
Wednesday Maths Video | |
Wednesday Maths Answers | |
Wednesday Maths Task | |
Tuesday Maths Times Tables
Use the website to hone times table skills and have a go at a timed 5 Minute Drill |
Tuesday Writing Task
Use the information from yesterday and some extra research to plan and write a report about a planet of your choice (or the moon) |
Tuesday Reading Comprehension
Watch the Christmas Advert at first and then answer the comprehension questions. |
Monday Science Fact Match Up
Answers are on page 2. Try to keep them hidden before attempting the task or it will spoil the fun! |
Monday Maths Challenge |